
"Chiang Mai" Banj's photos around Chiang Mai, Thailand (travel pics)

"Chiang Mai" Banj's photos around Chiang Mai, Thailand (travel pics) Video Clips. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

Preview of Banj'sblog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Chiang Mai, Thailand Entry Title: "Chiang Mai" Entry: "We got a bus to Chiang Mai for a little more money than we expected. No local buses apparently so had to pay for an aircon coach instead. Journey took about 5 and a half hours. After getting something to eat we headed to the night market, where i got some shorts and another tshirt. The next day we booked an adventure day consisting of mountain biking, elephant riding and white water rafting. After that we headed down to the driving range. Nobody really won the bet as we couldn't really tell how far we were hitting but was all around the 150 mark. Yesterday we were up early ready to be picked up by the peak adventure team. They took us out of chiang mai about an hours drive. Once we arrived at the camp they showed us the bikes which i was instantly not impressed with, the bikes where not adult bikes, the seats did not adjust and the gears on mine didnt work properly so i had an absolute nightmare. Riding up steep hills on a kids bike in the baking heat just wasnt doing it for me. I gave up in the end and put the bike in the jeep and got a lift the rest of the way. Was abit annoyed as i thought there was miles left but it turned out we were almost there so i should have finised. Next was the elephant riding which was great fun. They had huts ...

Keywords: chiang mai, chiang, thailand, trip, slideshow, tripwow, tripadvisor, photography, vacation, photos, Advisor

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