
3 year old riding bike

3 year old riding bike Tube. Duration : 0.28 Mins.

Corey is 3 1/2 and has learned how to ride a bike very well without the use of training wheels. More accurately, because he never had training wheels he can ride very well. His first bike was one with no pedals, until he was able to coast and balance, manuver and fall down occasionally. He learned very rapidly to pedal and brake once he got a bike with pedals. The key is to keep the seat low to the ground and get him a bike a bit too small for him, by most people's standards. I see kids every day with bikes that are too big and seats that are too high. They should be riding the bike, the bike shouldn't be riding them. And always wear a helmet.

Tags: ride, bike, toddler, year, old, training, wheels, pedals, helmet, sports, Be, The, Change, uwant

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